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Alliance Name: Bandersnatch | Id: 413
Player Power Ratio Tiles Avg. tile level Cities
1 Kitara 396,172 6 7 1
2 Surian 67,710 4 3.5 1
3 Actias Luna 24,158 4 3.5 1
4 kilgor 15,777 3 4 1
5 Erkon 13,670 2 2.5 1
6 Jazer 8,977 5 3.2 1
7 Terrorherrschaft 6,686 2 3 1
8 Shadoki 6,444 5 2.4 1
9 robert the brute 5,336 2 3.5 1
10 Don David 2,444 1 4 1
11 Aleryius 1,514 1 3 1
12 Player11158 1,302 1 3 1
13 nightshaper 1,244 1 3 1
14 ANTHONY 62 456 1 1 1
15 shadow pheonix 205 1 1 1